「直接製品(direct product)」とは、米国のNS技術やNSソフトウェアを基にして製造されたNS製品を指す。
734.3(a) (4) Certain foreign-produced “direct products” of specified “technology” and “software,” as described in § 736.2(b)(3) <一般禁止事項 3>of the EAR; and
(注) 米国原産技術に基づいて直接的に製造された材料は直接製品。その材料を"加工して"製造された製品は直接製品ではない。
734.3(a) (5) Certain foreign-produced “direct products” of a complete plant or any major component of a plant as described in § 736.2(b)(3) <一般禁止事項 3>of the EAR.
(参考) 一般禁止事項 3
一般禁止事項 3では、米国から導入した技術に基づいて米国外で製造された「直接製品」の無許可輸出・再輸出はできないとしている。
736.2(b)(3) General Prohibition Three— Foreign direct product (FDP) rules. —
(i) You may not, without a license or license exception, export from abroad, reexport, or transfer (in-country) foreign-“direct products” subject to the EAR pursuant to § 734.9 if such items are subject to a license requirement in part 736, 742, 744, 746, or 764 of the EAR.
(ii) Each license exception described in part 740 of the EAR supersedes General Prohibition Three if all terms and conditions of a given license exception are met and none of the restrictions of §§ 740.2 or 744.11(a) apply.
「直接製品」については、734.9 で定められている。
§ 734.9 Foreign-Direct Product (FDP) Rules.
Foreign-produced items located outside the United States are subject to the EAR when they are a “direct product” of specified “technology” or “software,” or are produced by a complete plant or 'major component' of a plant that itself is a “direct product” of specified “technology” or “software.”
If a foreign-produced item is subject to the EAR, then you should separately determine the license requirements that apply to that foreign-produced item (e.g., by assessing the item classification, destination, end-use, and end-user in the relevant transaction). Not all transactions involving foreign-produced items that are subject to the EAR require a license. Those transactions that do require a license may be eligible for a license exception.
(a) Definitions and model certification —
(1) Definitions. The terms defined in this paragraph are specific to § 734.9 of the EAR.
These terms are indicated by single quotation marks.
Terms that are in double quotation marks are defined in part 772 of the EAR.
(i) Major component. A major component of a plant located outside the United States means “equipment” that is essential to the “production” of an item, including testing “equipment.”
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) Model certification.
(b) National Security FDP rule. A foreign-produced item is subject to the EAR if it meets both the product scope in paragraph (b)(1) of this section and the country scope in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
米国外製直接製品が 下記(1)のProduct Scopeと下記(2)のカントリースコープに当てはまる場合、EARの対象となる。
(1) Product scope of National Security FDP rule. The product scope applies if a foreign-produced item meets the conditions of either paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.
(i) “Direct product” of “technology” or “software.” A foreign-produced item meets the product scope of this paragraph if it meets both of the following conditions:
(A) The foreign-produced item is the “direct product” of U.S.-origin “technology” or “software” that requires a written assurance as a supporting document for a license, as defined in paragraph (o)(3)(i) of supplement no. 2 to part 748 of the EAR, or as a precondition for the use of License Exception TSR at § 740.6 of the EAR; and
(B) The foreign-produced item is subject to national security controls as designated in the applicable ECCN of the Commerce Control List in part 774 of the EAR.
技術導入にあたり許可例外TSRを利用するための誓約書の内容は§ 740.6 Technology and software under restriction (TSR)に書かれている:
the importer will not:
(i) Reexport or release the technology to a national of a country in Country Groups D:1, E:1, or E:2; or
(ii) Export to Country Groups D:1, E:1, or E:2 the direct product of the technology, if such foreign produced direct product is subject to national security controls as identified on the CCL (See General Prohibition Three, § 736.2(b)(3) of the EAR ); or
(iii) If the direct product of the technology is a complete plant or any major components of a plant, export to Country Groups D:1, E:1, or E:2 of the direct product of the plant or major components thereof, if such foreign produced direct product is subject to national security controls as identified on the CCL or is “subject to the ITAR” (see 22 CFR parts 120 through 130).
(ii) Product of a complete plant or 'major component' of a plant that is a “direct product.” A foreign-produced item meets the product scope of this paragraph if it meets both of the following conditions:
(2) Country scope of National Security FDP rule. A foreign-produced item meets the country scope of this paragraph if its destination is listed in Country Group D:1, E:1, or E:2 (See supplement no.1 to part 740 of the EAR).
(c) 9x515直接製品規則(衛星品目)
(d) 600番台直接製品規則(機微度の低い武器品目)
“600 series” FDP rule. A foreign-produced item is subject to the EAR if it meets both the product scope in paragraph (d)(1) of this section and the country scope in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
Note 1 to paragraph (d) introductory text:
As described in the CCL, ECCN 0A919 is included in this paragraph because it includes the “direct product” of “600 series” “technology” or “software”.
(e)(1) Entity List 脚注1直接製品規則
(e)(2) Entity List 脚注4 直接製品規則
(f) ロシア/ベラルーシ/クリミア直接製品規則
(g) ロシア/ベラルーシ軍事エンドユーザー・調達直接製品規則
(h) 先端コンピューティング直接製品規則
(i) スーパーコンピュータ直接製品規則
(j) イラン直接製品規則
D1 National Security: アルメニア、アゼルバイジャン、ベラルーシ、ミャンマー、カンボジア、中国、ジョージア、イラク、カザフスタン、北朝鮮、キルギスタン、ラオス、リビア、マカオ、モルドバ、モンゴル、ロシア、タジキスタン、トルクメニスタン、ウズベキスタン、ベネズエラ、ベトナム、イエメン
E1 テロ支援国:イラン、北朝鮮、シリア
E2 禁輸国:キューバ